Annyeong bloggers!It's been AGES since my last post..And I'm only postng this cuz im bored....ya see,I have a diary now so I don't really need my blog...How are you guys?As for me,right now I am trying to get over my crush/infatuation....It's really horrible!First,it was like heaven,a dream come true..but then things started getting worse and it felt soo awefull!It's soo hard to get over my crush since my crush is my classmate.I have to listen to my cursh's voice EVERYDAY inc lass and it makes it even harder to forget my crush...any tips?Please leave it on my blog..And hopefully I will revisit my blog soon....HOPEFULLY....LOL aaanyways....I'm watching Bride of The Sun now....And If you are bored,I would reccommend you to play this on9 game called Dragon Nest..If you're in South East Asia then you'll have to download the Dragon Nest SEA patch....Ok..that's it for now...byee

P.S. I know my blog is boring....but please don't leave any nasty comments thnx!