The water rushes down your body.Ahhh the cool water is so refreshing!You grab for the shampoo and apply it on your hair.You shape your hair into a shark fin,then you split it inhalf,and then you try to roll it into two flat horns like Taeyang's hair in Big Bang's Monster MV.Next you squeeze the soap onto your palms and rub it on your body.Then...The flashback began.You were back in the cafe.The guy pushing your breasts.Those strong,well-toned hands going into your chest.That firm,sudden but gentle push.Somehow,it felt so good.You start to recall his face.Somehow,you just can't make out his face.All you know is that his touch was so delightful,sooo.......*thump*"Ouch!"You fell because the floor was too wet and slippery and you hit your head on the wall.Well,that certainly snapped you out of the thought of that guy.You start to smile,starting to get back to dreaming about the guy..."Oh My Gosh! What am I doing?I must be crazy,ridiculous,NUTS!"You get up and hurriedly wash all the soap and shampoo off your body.

  Now you're all ready for bed.Lights closed,comforter covering your body,air cond working perfectly, you turn on the radio.You always turn on the radio before going to bed.'Sa-shil-eun cheom-bwass-eul ddae-mu-teo geu-dael joh-a-haett-da-go'...Wait...this,this is..This is the song that you heard from the guys earphone!Hmmm!!!And you thought you could forget all about the day's worries at home.Urghhh!You were JUST about to go to sleep,but the radio station just HAD to play that song and now all the incidents that happened came rushing back.NO!SHUT your brain.You turn off the radio,shut your eyes as tightly as you can and before you know it,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.



  "Excuse me,umm may I sit here?"You say as politely as you can while putting on an awkward smile.......Nothing.He didn't respond.Maybe he didn't notice you,so you try again "Hello sir!Umm,may I please sit here?".Still no reply.You wait,while observing the things on the table.There is a glass of iced lemonade,"Oh!My favourite." I thought,a few tissues,and other ordinary stuff.Oh wait,you hear something.It's a song,sounds very familiar!Where's the source?Hmmmmm oh!The song is coming from him.No wonder,he is wearing an earphone on his left ear,which you didn't realize at first since you were standing on his right.You listen,and listen,and without even noticing it you're moving nearer towards him,your hand on the table.Got it!It's Ra.D's I'm In Love!Classy~

  As you take your hand away from the table,you accidentally hit the glass of lemonade and it SPILLED onto his jeans!He was shocked and finally put away his book,revealing his face,though you were too scared,ashamed,shocked to focus on it.You said sorry and sorry over and over and grabbed for the tissue on the table to wipe the lemonade on his pants."Ya!!!!!" he said and you realize you were wiping his crotch.You gasped,looked at his face and saw his face was so shocked somebody might as well take a picture of it and use it as a meme and post it on Facebook!He pushed you away."ARGHHH!!!!" you scream in a high-pitched voice.Why wouldn't you when he just pushed your breasts.You both scream in perfect harmony.

  All of the customer's eyes are on both of you.Well,at least you got to be the centre of attention like you always wanted.But THIS is not how you pictured it would be.You were so dumbstruck you couldn't produce any sound except for that weird "ah" sound.The waiters came rushing to the table to clean up the mess and you finally snapped out of your temporary dumbness.You see the man already left money on the table,holding his book and his bag,ready to rush out of the cafe.He stops at infront of you,looks into your eyes and says "Sorry" and leaves the cafe.You ran after him but as soon as you got out of the cafe,he was nowhere to be seen.

  *Sigh* what bad luck I have today.I looked into the cafe,thankfully all of their eyes are no longer on me.Ahhh,that was so awful!I raise my head up,at least the rain has stopeed,now I can go home and forget about this horrible day.As I walked home,I felt very happy cause I thought when I get home,I can forget all of the horrible things that happened that day.I'm going to have a normal time free from worry,at least for a while.But boy was I wrong.So wrong!



                                                                      FIRST MEETING     

  Oh what a horrible day!You were late for school,and then you HAD to forget to bring your super important essay which you HAD to hand in today.And your crush won't talk to you since he figured out that you liked him a week ago.If only an angel could just sweep you off your feet and hide away all your worries.*sigh

 *KRIIINGG!!!!* Ahh finally,school has ended.Now you can go home and feel bad about your miserable life.You can try to forget that your friends were all ignoring you at school.Probably because you were the only one who impressed the teachers with your test marks.Huhh,they dare call themselves friends?More like friends to throw darts at or slap whenever you like!Okay okay,come down self!Just walk,walk and forget all your worries.Walk past all the coffee shops,flower shops and past all the people and students who are looking at you and thinking "That kid looks so miserable".

  *Drip,drip,drip* Oh great!Now it has started raining!Thankfully you were wearing your hoodie that day.But as soon as you covered your head with the hoody,*splat splat*the rain just got heavier.Argh damn!Now you have to find a place to shade yourself from the rain.Looks like you'll be arriving at home a little bit late.But that's fine,since your parents are off working and your siblings are at school and you'll be the only person left at home.So you walk into the "KAISOO" CAFE".Hmmm,what a weird name for a cafe.You wonder what does "KAISOO" mean?As soon as you enter the cafe,"OH GREAT!ALL THE TABLES ARE FULL!"Still,you try to search for an empty table,or at least a chair.Aha!There's one,next to the wall.You can see an empty chair,and a guy sitting opposite the chair.His elbows on the table,he's reading a book and looks like he's really engrossed to it.




 Ok,hye guys!Going to attempt my first fanfic though I doubt I'll even finish it.But ,I'll try.So,remember when you read my fanfics,imagine that it is YOU in this fanfic.Ok,hope you'll enjoy my first attempt!