Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!

 Happy New Year!!!!Now,we say gudbye to 2010 and say hello to 2011!!!!Yay!Hope you all have your new year resolutions!Share it with me!:)Ok,so yesterday I wennt to an aborigine village with my dad!They were celebrating their anchestors festival!It was okay at first ya know,but then it got a little bit disturbing.First,they had a speech and my father gave a speech and blah,blah,blah.And then they presented their Sewang dance and all.But when they were picking out the lucky draw and the music played,OMG!!!!My ears hurt!It was so loud I felt like my ears were bout to pop!After the lucky draw,they played more loud music and then an old man started to dance.He danced very,very silly!It was like the cops asked him to raise his hands and move back and forth while shaking his booties just a little bit!HAHA!I thought that was part of the show,but when a man in a Batik shirt dragged him out of the space infront of us,I suddenly realized that,that old man was a lil'cuckoo!CUz,then he danced with a guy and then they danced behind a tree and then he was dancing with the tree!Poor old man!Then,lucky draw after that,they played more music!Dont get me wrong,they played ok but it was soo loud,I thought I was going deaf!And then,the old man danced again with a lady.But then I realizad again,that he wasnt dancing with a lady,but actually was dancing with a man who looks like a drug addict!

 Then,the final lucky draw,and then,they had a little dance til' morning event!really,they played music and they dance,and dance until 7:am!WOw,aborigines realy get into their fastivel,and music!We came back home early ofcourse!(Bout 11:30)They gave my father a umm IDK what it is in english but,it was a long smooth stick,and its hollow.And then,you put a sharp thingy in it,you blow and BAM!You hit a man in the head and he dies!Well,thats the story 4 now.Hope you enjoy reading my blog and plis 4llow me!Ill follow yall back 4 sure.Annyeong!