Bukit Gambang Holiday Story!

 Askum you all!Aaargh!Finally its time to tell everybody my experience about going to the Bukit Gambang Resort.It took bout six cars for me and my nephews and uncles and aunts to reach there,since we are a BIG family.Okay from home,it took bout 3 hours to arrive at Bukit Gambang.After that,(trust me.Its going to be a long story and lots of after thats)We checked in,and went to our rooms.I sat with my grandma(Wan),My uncles maid(Bibik),and my cousin (Aidil).

 Okay,first it was a little bit boring since most of the grown-ups went to ride the ATV(I bet ya know what it means),me and a few of my younger cousins,my parents and one of my uncle and aunt,went out of our rooms to go to the arcade down stairs on another block.It wasnt much fun since I didnt know what to play!But when me and my family are in the gift shop,my cousins were gone and we went exploring the resort all by ourselves.

 Now,when we went to the Carribean Club near the swimming pool,Jibrael,my younger brother,went to the pool all by himself!OMG!That was very dangerous!Thank Allah that papa realised he was missing and I went to the pool to look 4 him!After that,We went back to our rooms to get ready to swim in the pool-with-the-dangerous-accident.

 When we got to our rooms,thats when we found our cousins.They were all set to go to the swimming pool.They went there first cause my family were a little late and ofcourse cause we have a lot of things to bring to the pool.Alas,but oh no!When we got to the swimming pool(except mama and my maid),it was raining!But,do I care?Nope I didnt and I jumped right in!Boy was it fun!Playing with my cousins,taking pictures underwater,swimming in the pool,I even did a pose at the bottom of the pool!Too bad only Aidil saw it.

 After that,we all went to our rooms to eat.Me and my siblings ate Maggee Cup.And then we played the PS2 with Aidil,and my other cousins.B4 we,as a family(I mean all of us),went to dinner at the hotel buffet,I ate another Maggee Cup cause my grandma already made it and no one ate it!Boy was it delicious.Now I went first with my cousins and my sisters and my parents were coming later.I ate some rice,chicken,tofu,fishball and shark-fin soup!I dont get it why they call it shark-fin cause there werent any fins in that soup.

 After that,me and my cousins first went to the arcade again to play some games.Me and my cousins played the knock-the-thing-with-the-hammer-and-the-light-will-go-up-to-the-number-of-how-strong-you-hit-that-thing!(man that was long to describe something like that)That thing was busted cause it didnt matter how strong you were,it just went up where it wanted to.And then we did some basketball throwing.Well,for me and my cousin,Apiq,we just kept playing those games.But 4 my other cousins,they played more games.

 After we finished,I decided to ride a ride on the theme park.But it was closed cause it was raining :( .Then,me and my cousin Aidil went to our room to play Syahmis PS2(The first PS2 was Apiq's).Syahmi also decided to sleep-over at our room with his brother Ukail.After that we snuggled "comfily".

 Tomorrow(thats today),(lets just cut it simple and short)We went to the water theme park and played a lot of games and rode lots of cool slides!Awesome!Although I had a few scratches here and there,it was still super-fun!After that we ate and my family went to our rooms to pack our bags.My cousins were still staying ther until tomorrow.And then,We went home,end of story,goodnight!

 Sorry if this story has some errors.But well,you can never be too perfect!Ok tyhis is 4 now!Hope ya enjoyed reading it and not sleep,mock it or leave bad comments.Please!Bye yall!Sorry theres no pictures but ill sure add em when I have em!Bye.