
Okay..ummm where to begin...ah!I know..Monday,

I went to school and didnt brought anything to sell for hari Keusahawanan at school cause,first:Im lazy!&second:Cause Syarah reminded me about it on Sunday and I havent even planned about it!So,I just you know bought the goods that my friends sold.And....since im a forgotter,I forgot what did I do after I finished my agama lessons.


Okay,seriously!Im a forgetter!I dont remember! What!I cant forget yesterday,okay ill try to remember...!Okay yesterday is boring..nothing special!lets just skip to today!


Okay today theres another hari Keusahawanan at school and I sold sardine sandwiches!But it was a bummer that Syafiuddin didnt come cause people pretty much call him sardine!And theres also a party for all the 'pengawas' and students who took part in sports and represent our school.It wasnt much fun but at least we got free ice-cream and chicken..okay ill make sure I will write about my holiday/family trip with my fathers family to Gambang!Although I dont know where it is actually!(sigh,frown).Okay,Bye!