Holiday's HERE!

 Drums,(dubdub)and presenting,the moment we've all been waitin' for,the School Holidays!

 And the crowd goes wild!waaaah!Aaaaargh!Yay!The school holidays are here!Although I am parting with my friends,but its only temporarily!I can't wait to go to Sabah!Ooops,sorry I 4got 2 wish u all a happy school holiday!(Is that even right?(happy school holiday)).So,Hope yall have fun this holiday!Fill it with fun activities,educational activities(ur choice)and most importantly,have a very good time!

  Today I went to school cuz its the last day,after that,had lunch with family at The Chicken Rice Shop.Its been ages since me and my family went there(like a couple of years).Im sure yall dont want to hear me blabbing bout me cuz yall have greater activities right?So,Happy Holidays!(now im sure its right).And Kishan,hope u get hit by a truck!Bye!